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Videomitschnitt der Veranstaltung, JPK 2023 Videos
Das Vorstandsteam um CEO Matthias Schönberg präsentiert die Zahlen des Geschäftsjahres 2022.
Sie informieren die teilnehmenden Journalisten, Aktionäre und Analysten über den Stand strategischer Projekte und die jüngsten Akquisitionen.
Installation of SIMONA water transport pipes for the Bedburg (Pütz) irrigation project using the ploughing method. Videos
Videomitschnitt der Veranstaltung, JPK 2024 Videos
Das Vorstandsteam um CEO Matthias Schönberg präsentiert die Zahlen des Geschäftsjahres 2023 und des ersten Quartals 2024.
Laying of SIMONA® PE 100 SPC RC-Line protective-jacket pipes by means of the HDD method on Usedom Videos
On the Baltic Sea island of Usedom a new wastewater pressure pipeline with a length of nearly 15 kilometres was laid, of which about 10 kilometres were laid by using the trenchless method of horizontal directional drilling (HDD). The pipeline involved a single-pipe drilling operation over a length of about 800 metres - connecting to the mainland network and including a section under and along the River Peene. The culvert was installed at a depth of up to 18 metres. To protect the pressure pipeline during the laying operation and when in service, SIMONA® PE 100 SPC RC-Line pressure pipes with an additional protective jacket made of modified polypropylene were selected
SIMONA® Company Movie Videos
Video recording Financial Results Press Conference 2021 Videos
Video recording Financial Results Press Conference 2022 Videos
Discover SIMONA CITY Videos
Our products are already contributing to people's well-being and quality of life in various fields of application. The SIMONA City concept is designed to highlight our diverse range of activities. In offices and exhibition facilities, at airports and railway stations, in industrial and manufacturing units, at power stations and sewage treatment plants, on bridges, in motor vehicles and even in the area of leisure and sport – our high-quality plastics offer total peace of mind. SIMONA City will continue to grow. Indeed, our engineers and product managers have a pipeline filled with new ideas of how to improve people's quality of life with the help of plastics.
SIMONA® semi-finished products and piping systems made of Kynar® PVDF Videos 01 - Heated element butt-welding Videos
Processing movie Heated element butt-welding acc. to DVS 2207-1
SIMONA Referenz: Kanalinnensanierung Zürcherstrasse (Winterthur/ Schweiz) Videos
In der Zürcherstrasse in der Stadt Winterthur musste ein alter Ortsbeton-Mischabwassereiprofilkanal (ba/ha 700 mm/1050 mm) vom Wendehammer „In der Au“ bis zur „Auenrainstrasse“ grabenlos saniert werden. Der schlechte bauliche Zustand des alten Eiprofilkanals (Längs- und Radialrisse, Wasserinfiltration, etc.) war so imens, dass in absehbarer Zeit mit einem statischen Versagen des Bauwerks gerechnet werden musste. Durch den grabenlosen Einzug des SIMONA PE 100 Eiprofilrohrstranges wurde die Nutzungsdauer des Kanals um weitere 80 Jahre verlängert und entspricht in der ausgeführten Qualität einem Kanalneubau. 02 - Heated element socket welding Videos
Processing movie Heated element socket welding acc. to DVS 2207-11. 03 - Electrofusion welding Videos
Processing movie Electrofusion welding acc. to DVS 2207-1 4.1 - Heated element butt welding SPC-Pipe Videos
Processing movie Heated element butt welding SPC-Pipe acc. to DVS 2207-1 4.2 - Electrofusion socket welding SPC-Pipe Videos
Processing movie Electrofusion socket welding SPC-Pipe acc. to DVS 2207-1 05 - Non contact heated tool butt welding Videos
Processing movie non contact heated tool butt welding acc. to DVS 2207-6 06 - Simultaneous welding of double-containment Videos
Processing movie Simultaneous welding of double-containment pipe acc. to DVS 2207-1 07 - Cascade welding of double-containment pipe Videos
Processing movie cascade welding of double-containment pipe acc. to DVS 2207-1. 08 - Heated element butt welding Twin-Wall Sheets Videos
Processing movie heated element butt welding of SIMONA® Twin-Wall Sheets 09 - Hot gas extrusion welding Twin-Wall Sheets Videos
Processing movie hot gas extrusion welding of SIMONA® Twin-Wall Sheets 10 - hot gas extrusion welding: Twin-Wall sheet - Fitting a nozzle Videos
Processing movie hot gas extrusion welding: Fitting a nozzle at SIMONA® Twin-Wall sheet. 11 - Hot gas extrusion welding: Twin-Wall Sheets - Making a bottom connection Videos
Processing movie hot gas extrusion welding: Making a bottom Connection for SIMONA® Twin-Wall Sheets.
Application example: Seawater desalination plants Videos
Application example: Water Plants Videos
Application example: Pipe-Rehabilitation Videos
Application example: Waste water systems Videos
Application example: Drainage-Systems for traffic routes Videos
Application example: Drinking Water Transport System Videos
Application example: District heating supply Videos
Application example: Sewage Treatment Plants Videos
Processing note: Electrofusion sockets Videos
Processing note: Heated-tool butt welding Videos
Processing note: SIMOFUSE Piping Systems Modules Videos
Processing Information: Cascade welding of double-containment pipe Videos
Processing Information: Making the transition from single pipe to double pipe by heat element butt welding Videos
SIMONA® Multilayer Pipes with Functional Layers Videos
The different layer buildups for SIMONA® Pipes with functional layers Videos
SIMODUAL² double containment piping system for industrial applications Videos
SIMONA® Double containment pipes Videos
General Information
SIMONA® Water Piping Systems Videos
SIMOLIFE EVA Interior prosthetic socket Videos
Video processing example in application area orthotic and prosthectic.
SIMOLIFE PE Lower Arm Orthosis Videos
Video Processing Example SIMOLIFE PE-HWV Lower Arm Orthosis
Company Presentation "K 2013" Videos
Ausbildung bei SIMONA Videos
Ausbildungsfilm der AZuBi's bei SIMONA AG
Internationale Betriebswirtschaftslehre – International Business Administration (dual) Videos
Internationale Betriebswirtschaftslehre – International Business Administration (IBA) ist ein duales Studienprogramm. Es gehört zu den Business and International Programs (BIP) der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Ludwigshafen, welche seit über 20 Jahren duale und internationale Bildungsprogramme anbieten. Das IBA-Programm ist ein Intensivstudiengang und schließt mit 210 ECTS-Punkten ab. Das Studium erstreckt sich über sechs Semester und schließt mit dem Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) ab.